A Form of Self-Expression

Having not sat down to write a blog post in some time, I find myself feeling relieved at the chance to write and get back to something that feeds my soul in ways nothing else can.

Life got really busy this year, in a lot of different ways. Had you asked me a year ago where I thought I would be in life, it certainly wouldn’t be here. Not that this place in life – both physically and mentally – is bad, but it’s just not what I expected. I guess that is sort of a beautiful thought if you think about it. You’re never quite sure where life is going to take you, but as long as you continue to follow your heart and express what you want and deserve, it’s never going to be dull. Maybe that sentiment is what inspired this recent blog post. Let’s see if you agree.

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Dear Influencers, Just Don’t be a Shitty Person

Here we are slowly inching our way towards warmer days, and with them some hope for fresh energy and relief. I know that personally being under the weight of the last year has taken a toll on me and those I love. I will say that I have bitten my proverbial tongue in a lot of circumstances where I might not have in the past.

#Adulting apparently.

With the social commentary taking place and the long overdue changes to the world coming at us from all sides, there has been a great divide it seems. We’ve polarized ourselves to an extreme that is nothing shy of exhausting, and now we all have a sense of entitlement that allows us to think that our opinion should be online all the time. Here’s the thing, I am not a perfect person, but I really try to help when someone asks me for it. This past year I have seen the ugly side of “influencers” and content creators and I am here to remind you to not be a shitty person.

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Here’s How to Have the Perfect Last Minute Romantic Getaway

When it comes to seeing Julio over the last year while living in Ottawa, I’ve had to get a little creative. From secret Via Rail tickets for the weekend to trips to Vancouver when the plane ticket price is right, it’s all about romance and making the effort for each other. While the long distance thing has been incredibly challenging, there’s something to be said about missing each other and the romance that it has rekindled in being apart. So on what I assume is the last last minute romantic getaway to Toronto of 2021, I thought I’d share how I plan to make him feel special when I head to Toronto this weekend.

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I’m Leaving Toronto and It’s Time I Tell You Why

It’s a blog title I never thought in a million years I would be writing on if I’m being honest. Nine years ago at this time of year, I was three short months in to my life in the big city and it was finally going to work out this time I assured myself. A few moves prior to that one fizzled out – for those of you from Toronto you may not know this, but moving to Toronto isn’t easy. If you don’t have (affordable) housing, a good job / any job lined up, a support network and other things many of us take for granted ready for you here, it’s overwhelming to say the least.

So why after all of this success and flourishing would I ever give that all up?

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