Your Endocannabinoid System May Be Out Of Balance

Wait, my what?

Something I very likely know nothing about is out of balance? Okay, time to panic, right?! Well, first off, take a deep breath ‘cause you’re gonna be just fine. But second, I’ve got you. ‘Cause I’m here to offer my knowledge and expertise as a certified health professional who has spent many years studying and working on the human body (get those dirty thoughts out of your head, please) and its many complex and diverse systems.

Also, I absolutely love nerding-out on science so that I can make it much easier to absorb for those of you who aren’t things like biochemists or medical doctors. And let’s be honest, you shouldn’t have to be one in order to understand what the heck is happening in your body and with your health. Continue reading “Your Endocannabinoid System May Be Out Of Balance”

Why You Should Invest in Quality Rest

For all of you that follow Do The Daniel on Instagram, you’ll know that for the past few months I have been really busy with prepping a move, moving and then furnishing my new apartment. I know this is something that almost all new tenants have to deal with but, when you’re moving into somewhere as stunning as Vintage apartments, you know it’ll all be worthwhile. Sure, it might be a tricky thing to get fully sorted but the final result will be so rewarding and you’ll be able to sit in a contemporary, luxurious apartment and appreciate just how far you’ve come. This has been quite the ordeal because I have always been someone who has lived in furnished or partially furnished places for years. It just makes everything easier when you don’t have to worry about sourcing furniture on top of the stresses that already come with moving house. It’s why I dream of living somewhere like these luxury apartments in downtown cleveland, as when I moved into my new apartment, I didn’t own a single piece of furniture. No couch. No dining room table. No dressers. No bed. No mattress. Nothing.

I was literally working with a blank canvas. Continue reading “Why You Should Invest in Quality Rest”

How To Make Breakfast Your Best Friend

Listen, I know not everyone eats breakfast for many different reasons. Maybe you don’t have the time, maybe you’re just not hungry in the mornings, or maybe you’re trying some Intermittent Fasting. But, making sure that if and when you do eat breakfast, that you’re putting the right things in your body is so darn important. It truly sets you up for the rest of the day!

Continue reading “How To Make Breakfast Your Best Friend”

New Fitbit, Who Dis?

Monday mornings are always dichotomous for me. I love working and I always have. Though the position I have held has never really mattered, work gives me purpose and direction. But commuting to the office, showering, picking out an outfit, and doing all the things I need to drag myself out of bed after what I hope would be a relaxing Sunday… I definitely can empathize with the #Mondaze sentiment most of the time. That being said, you all know that I have really been trying to work on myself lately. From being more physically active, to focusing on positive things and people in light of difficult personal challenges I am facing, there is always a choice to be made. To be broken by challenges, or to use them as lessons. Fitness has become an outlet for me, even if it’s just taking a two hour walk to get out of the house and out of my own head.  Continue reading “New Fitbit, Who Dis?”