Food & Wine | Making Healthy & Convenient Choices with SodaStream

You know it. I know it. Life is busy. I’ve really taken my health into consideration in 2016 and have been doing my best to make smart choices as I work towards a better me. It’s why I have been making a concerted effort to cook more at home, eating more fresh food and being mindful of what I am putting in my body. I want to share with you a few helpful tips I use on a daily basis to keep me on track with some of my favourite brands. 

Julio & I have been a fans of SodaStream for years. The convenience of having sparkling water and beverages at the push of a button helps to satisfy my need for something fizzy. Using our SodaStream POWER, I was so happy to learn about the release of the new SodaStream Waters. Gourmet combinations of fruit flavours that allow me to sip on a much needed cocktail or have something refreshing after a workout. 

Instead of reaching for a not so healthy option, I try to keep a bottle of SodaStream Waters in the fridge at all times. Some of my favourites flavours so far are Homestyle Lemonade, Kiwi PearOrange Mango. Less Sugar and with so many delicious flavours, they’ve been a great addition to meals at home with my family. A fun tip to get the kids sipping something healthier is to get them to help you make the water and add the syrup. You’ll be shocked at how enthusiastic they can be when you involve them in the kitchen and how proud they are of accomplishing something as simple as choosing the carbonation level on the SodaStream POWER. On top of this, sites like have a bunch of information on them about what the best flavours, products and techniques are! Definitely worth checking out if you ever need help figuring out your SodaStream.



Effortless. Convenient. Perfectly Precise. – all things that busy people like us are looking for. 

But what about what I am eating alongside healthier options from SodaStream?

You’ll remember that in 2015 we told you about MissFresh, a food delivery service that curates recipes for you and delivers the ingredients needed right to your door. Their services still remain my secret weapon to eating fresh food at home when I don’t have the time or energy to create my own recipes. Food delivery services are quintessential to those of us living a hectic life that have the temptation to rely on delivery or eating out. The long term effects of eating fresh food, especially MissFresh’s exciting recipes which are continuously updated and changed, are crucial for my sleeping patterns and my health.

I’m excited to share the recipes we chose as I make them for Julio & I – make sure to follow us on social media (@DoTheDaniel) as I explore new styles of cuisine and recipes I may have never tried.

DYK that “A recent survey among 3,680 people discovered that people with a SodaStream consume 43% more water and water-based drinks than those without a SodaStream. That’s about 3 more glasses of water per day per person!” I dare you to eat a little healthier with MissFresh and drink more water in your day with SodaStream and not feel better about yourself and your health goals.

Try out the SodaSteam Waters, eating some fresh food and remember that everyday is an opportunity to be a healthier you.

To learn more about SodaStream and their products that have helped to improve my life and the life of my family, click here. 

To join in on the social media conversation around a healthier you with brands that we love, make sure to follow @SodaStream_CA on Twitter, @SodaStreamCanada on Instagram and by ‘Liking’ their Facebook Page. With new flavour options hitting the market regularly and more innovations being made in home appliances, they are a source of daily inspiration. 

For more behind the scenes of this and other amazing brands we are working with around the world, make sure to follow along with the #DoTheDaniel Instagram account. We would love to have you come along on our daily adventures with us!

Photos: Daniel Reyes & SodaStream


Daniel Reyes