Hosting 101: Knowing What Your Guests Want

The Holidays are here and we are in the thick of menu and meal planning. From food to drink, snacks to music, it’s all about creating a memorable experience for your loved ones over the next few weeks. But the best tip I could offer you as a host is that no two guests are the same. Some of our friends are wine drinkers, while others prefer beer. So this year when planning what to serve, I was inspired by a recent event we attended with Miller High Life CanadaContinue reading “Hosting 101: Knowing What Your Guests Want”

Making a House a Home

You’ve come to know that Julio & I are moving slowly into our new home. This has been a dream of ours for so long now, and it is finally starting to come true. Though it has been very stressful, we wouldn’t change it for the world. You have to experience stress to get what you want in a home. We have been blessed to find a home that doesn’t need much work doing to it, but as always, there are a couple of things that we need to change to make it absolutely perfect. The garage is one of these things. Julio and I have wanted someplace to store our cars for so long and when we learned that this house has a garage, it felt almost too good to be true. It needs some renovations doing to it though, and we should start by getting in touch with somewhere similar to this Milwaukee Concrete Garage Slabs company who can install sufficient flooring to the space. We’ve heard that concrete is the best material to have for your garage floor so this is definitely something that we will be looking into. However, this is just one of many things that we need to think about.

So, along with the excitement, it’s also a time to start thinking about filling our new space with those coveted items I have always wanted, but never had the space for. I am someone who loves to be in the kitchen, so I thought it was the perfect time to share my kitchen wishlist. Not only will these items be on my letter to Santa, but will help me create amazing memories for our growing family. Continue reading “Making a House a Home”

Gifts for The Whole Family

I bet that the majority of you, whether you like to admit it or not, haven’t finished that holiday shopping. Some of you still might be struggling to come up with a gift idea to get someone. But don’t panic though, there are plenty of things that you can get people. For example, you could easily purchase a photo moon lamp if you know that they would like a unique gift. However, it doesn’t just stop there though. There are plenty of things that you can get for people. Yes, the holidays are in full swing, but thankfully I have created a list of gifts that are sure to make the whole family happy this season. From gifts for the home (goodness knows we need a few of these items) to custom photo mugs to romantic gifts that are very 2017, it’s time to wrap up your shopping list with these amazing items Best Buy Canada! Continue reading “Gifts for The Whole Family”