5 Ways to Stay Healthy on a Budget

As a Nutritionist, I get asked a lot of questions about how to stay on track with your health without blowing up your wallet into a million tiny pieces. Yeah, I get it – the health industry can be expensive sometimes. But what you invest your time, energy and money into, is indicative of what really matters the most to you. And frankly, I feel like investing in myself first is always the best option. With that said, do you need to break the bank every time you wanna do yoga while eating kale on a mountain (wait, do people actually do that)? Heck no! You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on new kitchen equipment. I was recently asked how much someone should spend on a new blender and I told them that the quality of the product is more important than the price tag. I also told them they should read some reviews (like this oster blender review) to educate themselves on the best product for their needs rather than just buying the most expensive product. Being healthy doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg!!

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La vida evoluciona todo el tiempo, ¡síguele el ritmo!

¿Recuerdas esos días en los que los teléfonos móviles no eran parte de nuestra vida? Probablemente no. Tal vez seas de una generación en la que prácticamente naciste con un teléfono en la mano y quizá te sorprendas de saber que antes la gente compraba cámaras fotográficas con rollo de película para tomar fotos y si eso no es suficiente para asombrarte, imagina que antes para comunicarte con tu crush (ni se les llamaba crush) tenías que llamar al teléfono de su casa y vivir el terror indescriptible de que te contestara su papá o el hermano celoso. Antes, la sociedad salía a los restaurantes a comer, no a hacer sesiones fotográficas para subirlas a Instagram (historia real). ¿GPS? ¡Por favor! Yo soy de esos que al viajar, hacía paradas frecuentes para revisar en enormes mapas impresos si el camino era el correcto. Continue reading “La vida evoluciona todo el tiempo, ¡síguele el ritmo!”

What’s your Biggest #EtiquetteFail?

Okay so picture this. You’re commuting to work or travelling home, minding your own business and enjoying the ride. What does that scenario look like to you? How do you want to be treated? How do you want to feel? I would hope for a peaceful, efficient ride from one destination to another – and that’s usually the case for me. But, sometimes I have been supremely annoyed by someone blasting music, talking loudly or eating smelly food. Not to mention those who decide that they’re not gonna let me use a seat because their bags apparently need somewhere to sit. Hello. I have a bum and your bag does not, good sir.

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A Healthy Holiday Gift Guide For 2017

So, it’s that time of year again! But for realz, what happened to summer? I feel like I blinked and now it’s gone. For some of you, the holidays bring immense excitement and joy. You may get the sudden urge to throw on your ugly Christmas sweater, chug back a cup of spiced eggnog and then spend hours decorating your house with all the most holiday-est of things. Well, I’m just not one of those people. Nope, not one bit.

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