Travel & Lifestyle | Canada’s Best Rewards Programs: How to Take Advantage of Them

Did you know 90% of Canadians have at least one loyalty card in their wallet? Actually, on average, Canadians carry four loyalty cards. The thing is, we may be members of these rewards programs, but we’re not making the most of them. This is not just a Canadian issue though. For example, did you know that Qantas offers a variety of credit cards that allow individuals and businesses to earn loyalty points that can be put towards flights, hotels, and much more? You can learn more about Qantas credit cards by checking out their website. That being said, for those of you who are looking to get more from your cards, here are my top tips on how to take advantage of some of the best rewards programs Canada has to offer. Continue reading “Travel & Lifestyle | Canada’s Best Rewards Programs: How to Take Advantage of Them”

Events | Did you know that AIR MILES has exclusive #AIRMILESEvents for collectors?

For those of you who follow along with our adventures on social media, you’ll have seen that alongside Ama Scriver (a good friend & one of my favourite bloggers), I attended an #AIRMILESEvents with AIR MILES. Being that I’ve been an AIR MILES collector for a long time, when I found out that I could use miles for an exclusive chef experience, I knew I had to jump at the opportunity to attend with a friend. Come and read all about what the evening entailed and how you can sign up for the next #AIRMILESEvents! Continue reading “Events | Did you know that AIR MILES has exclusive #AIRMILESEvents for collectors?”