Sometimes It’s Okay To Google Your Diagnosis

I’ve been trying to decide how best to introduce myself to you and I can’t choose the way that is most genuine to who I am and what will also be fun to read… Conversation comes very easily to me, but this feels like a strange mix between an autobiography, a dating profile and a work interview. So instead of agonizing over the perfectly original and most interesting way to begin, I’m just going to start listing off some random (but important) facts about myself:

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A Home Away From Home In Downtown Toronto

Earlier this year, I promised myself that I would take more adventures. I realized that even though I’ve wandered far, I haven’t done much exploring right here in Ontario, so I decided to focus my efforts on adventuring closer to home. In January, I booked workshops at the Toronto Yoga Conference. You know what booking events out-of-town means? Booking accommodations out-of-town! But, it’s been literally ten years since I stayed in a hotel, which also happened to be the last time I was in Toronto, and I recall not having the best time… So Toronto had big shoes to fill to make me love it. Well, I’ll be damned if this city didn’t win me over a little more, every hour I was there.

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A Look Back at 2017

As the year is slowly coming to an end, I wanted to take a look back on some of my favourite moments and some of the epic events we have shared with you all. It’s been a fantastic year, and it is because of you that it is all possible. Check out some moments that we have shared and allow us to help you get ready for an even bigger 2018 ahead. Let’s cheers to a successful year in the best way I know how.  Continue reading “A Look Back at 2017”

La vida evoluciona todo el tiempo, ¡síguele el ritmo!

¿Recuerdas esos días en los que los teléfonos móviles no eran parte de nuestra vida? Probablemente no. Tal vez seas de una generación en la que prácticamente naciste con un teléfono en la mano y quizá te sorprendas de saber que antes la gente compraba cámaras fotográficas con rollo de película para tomar fotos y si eso no es suficiente para asombrarte, imagina que antes para comunicarte con tu crush (ni se les llamaba crush) tenías que llamar al teléfono de su casa y vivir el terror indescriptible de que te contestara su papá o el hermano celoso. Antes, la sociedad salía a los restaurantes a comer, no a hacer sesiones fotográficas para subirlas a Instagram (historia real). ¿GPS? ¡Por favor! Yo soy de esos que al viajar, hacía paradas frecuentes para revisar en enormes mapas impresos si el camino era el correcto. Continue reading “La vida evoluciona todo el tiempo, ¡síguele el ritmo!”