Why I’m Okay With My Fifteen Minutes of Fame Winding Down

It’s been about eight years since the photo above was taken. Since that moment so much has changed for us together as a couple and for us as individuals. It goes without saying that we’ve done a lot of growing up. I’ve worked with some of the biggest brands in the world, I’ve jet set around the world for events and activations, I’ve met and chatted with celebrities local and international, and I’ve even had up to fifteen staff. As I head in to April 2021, my door isn’t knocked on as much as it once was as a creator. But if I’m being perfectly honest, I’m not that upset about that fact and I thought I’d sit down to talk about it.

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Dear Influencers, Just Don’t be a Shitty Person

Here we are slowly inching our way towards warmer days, and with them some hope for fresh energy and relief. I know that personally being under the weight of the last year has taken a toll on me and those I love. I will say that I have bitten my proverbial tongue in a lot of circumstances where I might not have in the past.

#Adulting apparently.

With the social commentary taking place and the long overdue changes to the world coming at us from all sides, there has been a great divide it seems. We’ve polarized ourselves to an extreme that is nothing shy of exhausting, and now we all have a sense of entitlement that allows us to think that our opinion should be online all the time. Here’s the thing, I am not a perfect person, but I really try to help when someone asks me for it. This past year I have seen the ugly side of “influencers” and content creators and I am here to remind you to not be a shitty person.

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