Stop everything. There’s a new Nintendo coming.

While I love a busy schedule and jet setting around the country and the world to create fabulous content, I am actually quite the homebody when I get the opportunity to be so. While I don’t currently have a space to call all my own, once I do later this year, I know that one of the reasons I’ll stay home for some down time will be because of my new Nintendo Switch 2.

Yes, that’s right babes. In case you didn’t hear yet, there’s a new Nintendo system coming in 2025 and I want to tell you all about it.

Continue reading “Stop everything. There’s a new Nintendo coming.”

My Love For Him Knows No End

Now, you might be thinking that I meant Julio – and while the statement is true for him as well, there is a another man in my life that has been there for me and whom I love with all my heart. Many of you know him, or maybe it’s time you reacquaint yourself with him. So… without further ado, let me tell you why I was inspired to write this love letter- esque blog post.

Continue reading “My Love For Him Knows No End”