Dear Influencers, Just Don’t be a Shitty Person

Here we are slowly inching our way towards warmer days, and with them some hope for fresh energy and relief. I know that personally being under the weight of the last year has taken a toll on me and those I love. I will say that I have bitten my proverbial tongue in a lot of circumstances where I might not have in the past.

#Adulting apparently.

With the social commentary taking place and the long overdue changes to the world coming at us from all sides, there has been a great divide it seems. We’ve polarized ourselves to an extreme that is nothing shy of exhausting, and now we all have a sense of entitlement that allows us to think that our opinion should be online all the time. Here’s the thing, I am not a perfect person, but I really try to help when someone asks me for it. This past year I have seen the ugly side of “influencers” and content creators and I am here to remind you to not be a shitty person.

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