A Space To Call Your Office

I’m currently writing this in bed, propped up by a few pillows with a heating pad on my lower back and some essential oils diffusing. #Spoonielife as a true millennial, I do a lot of work on my laptop or my phone every day – I’m studying scripts, answering emails, translating copy, answering emails, writing essays/scripts/blog posts/short stories and then usually answering some more emails. I do most of this work in bed and though it can be really lovely and cozy, I have to admit it’s not always the most productive.

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Positive Vibes Only

The solstice has arrived, the summer is here, and I couldn’t be happier to get out and enjoy it with those people I love. I am reminded on a regular basis about what is really important in life. As amazing as this life that we share with you all is, sometimes it’s important for me to disconnect as well. To put down my phone, say the I love you’s I feel like saying, and give my undivided attention to the people who deserve it. So to help you get into the summer spirit, I decided to create a summer cocktail that is Instagramable if you so feel like sharing it, but is more so meant to enjoy with your loved ones outside in the sun with some good music and lots of laughter.  Continue reading “Positive Vibes Only”

The Best Decision We’ve Made So Far

It’s been four years since I launched what, at the time, was a passion project in a new world I have fallen in love with. Writing a blog was an outlet for me, and allowed me to feel as though I could express myself while I worked to build my career in Marketing. Flash forward to December 2017 when DoTheDaniel.com is now an incorporated business with a lawyer & accountant, and Catherine and I were faced with making a pretty huge decision about our next step.

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