Getting My Home Winter Ready

I have this theory that there are 2 kinds of people this holiday season: those that love to go all out and entertain. Have lots of gatherings with loved ones, decorate your home with all things festive, and spend the time leading up to Christmas cooking and baking and spoiling those they love.

Then there’s the people that love the holidays as an excuse to unwind from all the socializing they do in their day to day and love the season as an excuse to have lots of festive candles lit and watch holiday movies amongst comfy blankets and pillows.

Basically the introverts versus the extroverts, and the older I get, I can safely say that there are times in my life where I am both. I love my job and the opportunity it gives me to travel the world and introduce you to amazing brands and people, but I also love some downtime with soft bedding and softer lighting.

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