Spending A Weekend in Vancouver

It’s no secret that I’m in love with the West Coast of Canada – and for good reason. No matter where I travel in the world and no matter how many amazing things I experience in other countries, I still feel so lucky to call Canada my home. Recently, I paid a quick visit to Vancouver for the weekend, in order to check out the 30th Anniversary of the David Foster Foundation. Now, what the heck can you do if you’re just visiting a city for such a short amount of time? Actually, quite a lot, my friends.

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Adventures in Downtown Vancouver

I’ve been to Vancouver once before, but this time was different. I was between living in two countries the last time I ventured to this West Coast Canadian City. You see, I found myself moving from England to New Zealand in 2011 and decided to take a longer way to get there, from London to Toronto to Alberta to British Columbia to Hawaii to Australia and then ending up in New Zealand for a year. So, I didn’t spend much time focusing much on any particular leg of the trip, so much as all of it collectively.

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