Comfort Zone

Recently on Insta stories, I confessed that it’s been a challenging time for me. Well, that’s an understatement. Life has hit me hard recently, both personally and professionally. I’ve never faced so many challenges at once, that it’s literally put this uber organized, master planner in commission, as I try to muster up the energy to think or plan past next week.

If it weren’t for my best friend, my twin flame, my sister – who has earned a doctorate in phycology by just listening to me vent, cry, stress out, and analyze my life from every angle possible (on a daily basis) – I don’t know where I’d be. Not only has she prevented twin flame failure when I let us start to separate, she also helped me to keep my life together.

While I could sit here and tell you about all the challenges that I’ve been navigating through for the past few months – but I think I’m better served at reflecting on what I’ve come to realize about myself through these moments of heartbreak and disappointment.

I don’t like change. Continue reading “Comfort Zone”