Travel & Lifestyle | Working towards a better sleep & a better morning with the Philips Wake-up Light

Being that I am now busier than ever, the importance of sleep is something I really take into account. As I’m sure you are aware, we are all incredibly busy and sometimes sleep suffers for the sake of our daily lives. But the way we sleep is what really got me thinking when our friends at Philips reached out and asked us to try out the Philips Wake-up Light. What many of us might not realize is that the expression “waking up on the wrong side of the bed” is a real thing and this new device might just help you to never have to face that situation again!

A fun fact about me, asides from being a horrible sleeper, is that I HATE mornings. I have to set several alarms and have even been known to turn them off in my sleep like a ninja! I now position my phone across the room, set the alarm clock… and nothing seems to work. I wake up grumpy, groggy and not ready for another busy day the majority of the time.

(Sorry Julio, I know I can be difficult in the morning.)

A few of my friends have trouble sleeping too, but they have more serious conditions like sleep apnea, where they use different treatments like masks from places like CPAP Direct to aid them in a good night’s sleep and help to improve their condition. However, I am aware that I do not have a sleep condition, so I should probably stop moaning… except the fact that I can’t seem to get up!

I had heard about this light technology previously but didn’t really give it much thought. But after speaking with Philips, I started really thinking about it. How much better have I felt in the past when I wake up to sunlight vs the screeching of an alarm? A million times better.

And there’s evidence behind this to prove just that!

#PhilipsWakeUp DoTheDaniel

#PhilipsWakeUp results

#PhilipsWakeUp importance of light

So, for the next 30 days I’m going to try the Philips Wake-up Light for myself to see what a difference it can make in my day to day life. Alongside my trustee Saje Wellness Nebulizer to put me to sleep and real plants in the house to clean the air, I think I’ve started on the path to better sleep and better mornings with Philips.

Stay tuned for my progress post and some real results from team!




For more details on The Wake-up Light line of products, make sure to check out the Philips website here.

While online, follow @PhilipsNA on Twitter & ‘Like’ their Facebook Page. Use the #PhilipsWakeUp hashtag to show us how the Wake-up light has changed your life and to join in on the social media conversation with us!

For more behind the scenes of this and other amazing brands and events we are working with, make sure to follow along with the #DoTheDaniel Instagram account. We’d love to have you join us on our adventures around the world.

Photos: Philips & Daniel Desforges


Daniel Desforges