Here’s what I’ll be sipping all summer long

It’s been a little while since I sat down to chat with you my beautiful friend. Life has gotten busy and with lots on my proverbial plate, I thought it was time to switch gears to focus on what’s in my glass instead. This summer I’m focusing my attention on those beautiful moments life has in store for me, the people who make an effort, and the simple things that I can take joy from.

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Here’s how I plan to celebrate Cinco de Mayo

The 5th of May has been an important day in my life for over a decade now and probably will be forever, and it also marks the unofficial beginning of warmer months, outdoor meals, sunshine and lots of laughter. Cinco de Mayo is one of those holiday-esque days that brings people out to enjoy moments together. For those of you who drink, I want to share how friends, family and guests of mine will be enjoying the festivities this year!

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5 ways I’m making the most of my summer

With the warm weather finally here, it’s time for me to start thinking about how I plan to make the most of the sunshine and summer months. For ten years I’ve sat down to write blog posts about my summer plans and to connect with all of you out there – both long time readers and first time visitors – and this year is no different. While those of you who follow along with me on social media have seen, I am ramping up for my biggest summer yet and I thought I would share my 5 ways I plan to make the most of it all.

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Just When I Started To Think I Couldn’t Be Impressed…

Having a few months in 2023 behind me, I am feeling very much in a good groove when it comes to content, partnerships, events, travel and the such. I laughed when I recently took my mom on a press trip with me for the first time (in ten years – and yes, #MamaSue was a hit with my friends in the media) and she got to see how much work goes into what I do on a daily basis.

Not that I need the validation, because it’s become second nature to go at this pace, but it can sometimes take a lot for me to be impressed. I am always inspired, but impressed takes a special kind of topic or experience. I guess that’s why I was so pleasantly surprised during an event in Toronto as Rebecca’s plus one where a brand truly left me impressed with an initiative they have been spearheading in Canada for years.

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