Lifestyle | Viviscal | Project Boob Curtains

Catherine’s Cabinet Review

I’ve wanted boob curtains for as long as I can remember.  You know, having hair so long it covers your ta-tas?  I’m just not blessed with the natural and seemingly so easy ability to grow long lustrous hair.  I think my hair grows to a certain point and then just stops.  Even in my wandering hippie days, I thought it was growing wild and free, but looking back on old photos it looks like it just needs a good brushing.  Or a hat… or all of the hats. Continue reading “Lifestyle | Viviscal | Project Boob Curtains”

Lifestyle | Let’s talk about Ch-Ch-Ch-CHIA seeds!

Catherine’s Cabinet review.

Fibre makes your poo happy.  Yes, I said poo within the first sentence of this post (okay twice now).  Listen, we all do it so don’t start getting all squeamish about it.  You’ve been doing it for your whole life, why not make sure you’re doing it properly?  Follow along friends, I’m going to take you on a little journey of how to incorporate one of many foods that can help you do just that! Continue reading “Lifestyle | Let’s talk about Ch-Ch-Ch-CHIA seeds!”

Daniel’s Dish | Milestone’s Grill + Bar launches a new menu & a new feel

The premise of the column is simple; work with restaurants of all kinds in this amazing city to explore what they have to offer and what makes them unique. In a city like Toronto, the choices are sometimes daunting and the food reviews and critics can be snotty and too complicated for their own good. So why not keep this easy?

Drinks. Appetizer. Main Course. Dessert. All along with a bit of information about what makes them my choice for Daniel’s Dish and why you should try them right away!

This episode takes us back to Milestone’s Grill + Bar for a recent media tasting where Julio & I had the opportunity to try each and every dish off the brand new Homestyle Chef’s Menu at Milestone’s Dundas Square. I recently wrote about the latest edition to the Milestone’s family, Milestone’s Grill + Bar Richmond Hill. This chain of restaurants across the country is near and dear to my heart. The new menu is meant to show you that “There’s a Chef in every restaurant, and it’s time you knew.” Milestone’s is bringing their A-game in this menu with homemade recipes and dedication to a personalized experienced. With something for everyone, let me tell you which dishes were MY favourites! Continue reading “Daniel’s Dish | Milestone’s Grill + Bar launches a new menu & a new feel”

Lifestyle | OMFG Real Blueberries? Bloo Juice by Country Magic

Catherine’s Cabinet Review

I have fond childhood memories of my time spent in the East Coast of Canada, wandering the fields along the coast line, picking as many wild berries as I could and then shoving them into my face before being forced to share them with the other kids.  When I opened my first bottle of Bloo Juice, I had all of those same feelings rush back at me, including not wanting to share it with anyone.  So, I guzzled it down faster than you can say “Catherine you better share missy or you’re going for a time out”.  I digress.

Continue reading “Lifestyle | OMFG Real Blueberries? Bloo Juice by Country Magic”