The 5th of May has been an important day in my life for over a decade now and probably will be forever, and it also marks the unofficial beginning of warmer months, outdoor meals, sunshine and lots of laughter. Cinco de Mayo is one of those holiday-esque days that brings people out to enjoy moments together. For those of you who drink, I want to share how friends, family and guests of mine will be enjoying the festivities this year!
Continue reading “Here’s how I plan to celebrate Cinco de Mayo”Food & Wine | Feliz Cinco de Mayo from Casamigos Tequila
May 5th marks Cinco de Mayo and around the world, people are preparing themselves for celebrations. A day that embodies the pride of Mexico, and particularly the Battle of Puebla being won, it is a day everyone looks forward to. Not many things remind me more of Mexico than Tequila, good food and a good time. This year, we here at (in conjunction with Julio’s birthday which also falls on May 5th!) will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo with Casamigos Tequila. Famously associated with George Clooney, Rande Gerber and Mike Meldman, this incredible tequila is one you simply have to have at your celebrations! Continue reading “Food & Wine | Feliz Cinco de Mayo from Casamigos Tequila”