Here’s what I’ll be sipping all summer long

It’s been a little while since I sat down to chat with you my beautiful friend. Life has gotten busy and with lots on my proverbial plate, I thought it was time to switch gears to focus on what’s in my glass instead. This summer I’m focusing my attention on those beautiful moments life has in store for me, the people who make an effort, and the simple things that I can take joy from.

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The Six Things You’ll Need To Make The Holidays Better

While the holidays are a time to be with family and friends, I can often find myself torn in between the ones I love and preparing delicious food and drink. That’s why when I find products and items that can alleviate some of that stress and let me focus on what matters, I get excited to share that with you all. Launching just in time for the holidays, La Presserie cold press cocktail mixers are my secret weapon this year to ensure I throw the best holiday parties possible! 

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Revisiting Some Ideas That Are Perfect When You’re Feeling Cooped Up

Over the years I’ve had a lot of beautiful memories. Lots of amazing moments that I’ve been lucky enough to share with you all. But along the way, there was also some mistakes that I’ve made which I look back on and think I could have probably handled a bit better. Without going into it, because there’s nothing to be found in rehashing the past, I am now in a place where I realize the past helped me become who I am today. And those same experiences will hopefully guide my way in the future.

Sounds a bit corny? Probably. But I’ve always been a bit of a romantic with my writing. And for a lot of you, that’s what keeps you coming back. ?

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Three Cocktails to Celebrate #DisaronnoDay Around The World

If you’re like me, chances are you’re ready for the sun and some yummy cocktails on a patio as soon as humanly possible. The winter months have dragged on long enough in my opinion – and that’s saying a lot consider I’m not one to complain about the weather.

Although April 19th might not be t-shirt and patio weather just yet, it is a good reason to create a few cocktails for yourself and those you love. It is after all #DisaronnoDay, and to help get you inspired in partnership with our friends at DISARONNO, I’m sharing three delicious cocktail recipes that are going to blow their minds.

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