What Does It Mean To Be Mindful?

*Please note that this is a sponsored post with Capital One Canada – our disclosure can always be found by clicking here.

For those of you who follow along with us on social media, you’ll have noticed that recently I had the pleasure of spending the morning with Capital One Canada at The Broadview Hotel here in Toronto. Centered around the idea of mindfulness, something that I’ll be honest I haven’t always been very good at, it turned out to be one of the most inspiring moments I have had in a very long time. Not only reminding me what it was like to reconnect with my friends in this industry, it also provided me with some concrete tools to be more mindful in my day-to-day life. As we get closer to the excitement of Credit Education Week, I thought I would share my five tips to #MoneyMindfulness with you all in hopes that just like how Capital One Canada inspired me to be better, I can do the same for you heading into the holiday season. Continue reading “What Does It Mean To Be Mindful?”

5 Ways to Stay Healthy on a Budget

As a Nutritionist, I get asked a lot of questions about how to stay on track with your health without blowing up your wallet into a million tiny pieces. Yeah, I get it – the health industry can be expensive sometimes. But what you invest your time, energy and money into, is indicative of what really matters the most to you. And frankly, I feel like investing in myself first is always the best option. With that said, do you need to break the bank every time you wanna do yoga while eating kale on a mountain (wait, do people actually do that)? Heck no! You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on new kitchen equipment. I was recently asked how much someone should spend on a new blender and I told them that the quality of the product is more important than the price tag. I also told them they should read some reviews (like this oster blender review) to educate themselves on the best product for their needs rather than just buying the most expensive product. Being healthy doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg!!

Continue reading “5 Ways to Stay Healthy on a Budget”