Contest | Introducing FRAANKLIN

The winter is officially here and there is no way to avoid it. With the colder days and longer nights, it’s time to start bundling up. But does that mean that you have to sacrifice fashion in order to stay warm? doesn’t believe you have to and is SO happy to introduce you all to FRAANKLIN and their beautiful scarves. And the best part? I’ve got one anxiously waiting to adorn your neck this Holiday season. Come & see why this Canadian brand is about to start making waves. Continue reading “Contest | Introducing FRAANKLIN”

Contest | It’s time for a #FeelGoodHoliday with Nature’s Path

I don’t know about you, but when I think about the Holidays, I imagine decadent food and putting on the pounds. It’s not ideal for someone like me who REALLY wants to get into shape for my upcoming wedding next year. It’s why I was so excited to learn about Nature’s Path #FeelGoodHoliday Recipes and Products that are not only delicious but really good for you. Best part of finding out about them all is that YOU have a chance to win some for the Holidays! Continue reading “Contest | It’s time for a #FeelGoodHoliday with Nature’s Path”

Contest | Making a Difference with McCain Foods Canada’s #McCainShareGood Campaign

The holidays season has settled and life seems to be getting a lot busier for us all. I am true believer that supporting positive campaigns &  working with brands that have a strong Corporate Responsibility is important, no matter how busy I get. That is why I am excited to tell you all about McCain Foods Canada‘s newest initiative and the #McCainShareGood Campaign. Come & see how they are planning to make a difference in the lives of countless Canadians and how your support can help you WIN with Continue reading “Contest | Making a Difference with McCain Foods Canada’s #McCainShareGood Campaign”

Contest | SpaceWays Toronto is helping us all be a little more organized

This time of the year is one that I both love and dread at the same time. The Holidays will be upon us before we know it (Stay Tuned for our first ever Holiday Gift Guides for!) and all I can think about it how cluttered our home is going to be. As I am sure most of you feel, life can get busy and with the business comes the accumulation of things. Be it that extra piece of furniture you swore you would reupholster this year or just a copious amount of STUFF… Clutter is a thing that can quickly sneak up on you and is easier to accumulate then to get rid of. Thankfully for those of us in Toronto, SpaceWays has officially arrived to help us all be a little more organized. Come & see how this innovative new company is going to make your life easier. Continue reading “Contest | SpaceWays Toronto is helping us all be a little more organized”