Here’s how I plan to celebrate Cinco de Mayo

The 5th of May has been an important day in my life for over a decade now and probably will be forever, and it also marks the unofficial beginning of warmer months, outdoor meals, sunshine and lots of laughter. Cinco de Mayo is one of those holiday-esque days that brings people out to enjoy moments together. For those of you who drink, I want to share how friends, family and guests of mine will be enjoying the festivities this year!

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Here’s what I’m serving my friends & family

I have had nothing short of a transformative 2024 so far, and we’ve only just hit the month of April. I like to believe that universe sends us the lessons we can handle, and the opportunity to grow from them. In my own life while I’ve been navigating my own transformations, I’ve come to appreciate time with friends and family in a whole new way. When I have them over, I always want to serve them the best, and I’m here to tell you about what I’m keeping stocked for my next get together!

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Are you ready to #win the chance to be the office hero?

It’s officially allowed (at least in my opinion) to switch proverbial gears and embrace the holiday season. For some, I may seem a bit too eager for their personal timelines, but I actually just rearranged my entire first floor and put up our Christmas tree. With the season comes some of my seasonal favourites. The ugly christmas sweaters, get togethers with friends, and yes, even the dreaded office parties. This year, things are going to be different though and I’m excited to tell you why.

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The Six Things You’ll Need To Make The Holidays Better

While the holidays are a time to be with family and friends, I can often find myself torn in between the ones I love and preparing delicious food and drink. That’s why when I find products and items that can alleviate some of that stress and let me focus on what matters, I get excited to share that with you all. Launching just in time for the holidays, La Presserie cold press cocktail mixers are my secret weapon this year to ensure I throw the best holiday parties possible! 

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