Still Need a Little Help Getting Into The Holiday Spirit?

While I may have had my Christmas tree up for many weeks now, I know that some of you out there aren’t necessarily in the holiday spirit the way you might wish you were. While I wish I could wave my fairy godmother wand and make it happen for you, I can recommend some of the best holiday experiences for you to enjoy in Toronto that might do the trick!

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Three Things You May Not Know About Me That Make Me Who I am Today

Over the span of eight years, you would assume that I have shared (and probably overshared) everything you could possibly imagine about who I am. The fun part about the blog is that it has grown and evolved, changed and changed again with me as I did the same. All these years later, I still get excited to share intimate moments and memories to help you understand me as a person. Now a husband, soon to be a Dad in the coming years, and always avidly travelling with you in tow on social media, this blog post is a love letter of sorts to three things you may not know yet that make me who I am today.

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