Lifestyle | Let’s talk about Ch-Ch-Ch-CHIA seeds!

Catherine’s Cabinet review.

Fibre makes your poo happy.  Yes, I said poo within the first sentence of this post (okay twice now).  Listen, we all do it so don’t start getting all squeamish about it.  You’ve been doing it for your whole life, why not make sure you’re doing it properly?  Follow along friends, I’m going to take you on a little journey of how to incorporate one of many foods that can help you do just that! Continue reading “Lifestyle | Let’s talk about Ch-Ch-Ch-CHIA seeds!”

Lifestyle | OMFG Real Blueberries? Bloo Juice by Country Magic

Catherine’s Cabinet Review

I have fond childhood memories of my time spent in the East Coast of Canada, wandering the fields along the coast line, picking as many wild berries as I could and then shoving them into my face before being forced to share them with the other kids.  When I opened my first bottle of Bloo Juice, I had all of those same feelings rush back at me, including not wanting to share it with anyone.  So, I guzzled it down faster than you can say “Catherine you better share missy or you’re going for a time out”.  I digress.

Continue reading “Lifestyle | OMFG Real Blueberries? Bloo Juice by Country Magic”

Lifestyle | In the Act of Letting Go

If you had asked me 2 years ago what my life would be like without him, I would have described a feeling of unbelievable agony and absolute gut-wrenching pain at even the thought of such a scenario. 

Flash forward to now, almost 2 years later and I can’t think of anything better than my life without him.  Losing him was the catalyst to finding me.  It allowed me to learn my greatest lesson by far, in the act of letting go. Continue reading “Lifestyle | In the Act of Letting Go”