Travel & Lifestyle | All the reasons why we can’t wait for CBC’s Hello Goodbye in 2016

With the holidays happening and the excitement of seeing our loved ones, chances are many of us will be heading to our local airport over the holidays. If you’re a hopeless romantic like me, you’ll watch 2003’s ‘Love Actually‘ several times over the holiday season for that feel good feeling we get when reunited with our friends and family. I am happy to be one of the first people to share the exciting news that coming in January 2016, CBC will be launching their new show “Hello Goodbye” which helps to capture the joy and anticipation that travelers to and from Canada experience in a major Canadian airport via documentary-style heartwarming stories. Come & see why you don’t want to miss my new favourite television show launching in the new year! Continue reading “Travel & Lifestyle | All the reasons why we can’t wait for CBC’s Hello Goodbye in 2016”

Travel & Lifestyle | Ford Canada’s #TheHunt using the new SYNC 3 technology

For those of you who aren’t aware, I am probably one of the most competitive people ever when it comes to games. I don’t know when it started really, but for as long as I can remember, this is how I’ve been. So when our friends at Ford Canada asked Julio & I to join for #TheHunt, I knew that it was going to be a lot of fun. A scavenger hunt around Toronto, using the brand new SYNC 3 technology in some of the most beautiful vehicles we have yet to drive…. I was ready to take on the challenge! Continue reading “Travel & Lifestyle | Ford Canada’s #TheHunt using the new SYNC 3 technology”

Travel & Lifestyle | Reliving one of our favourite events – Ford Canada’s #FordTryMore

As the fall settles in and we prepare ourselves for the final few months of 2015 at, I am left remembering some of my favourite moments from the year. We’ve had the opportunity to travel the world and share with you some of the best events Canada has to offer. Of all the events we’ve attended, The Ford Canada #FordTryMore weekend in Montreal was one of the best. Along with a brand we love and contest winners from across the country, we were lucky enough to have one of a kind experiences with some of the best vehicles in the Ford Canada family. Come take a look at our behind the scenes moments and why we are still smiling! Continue reading “Travel & Lifestyle | Reliving one of our favourite events – Ford Canada’s #FordTryMore”