An Eco Pop-Up Fairytale

When I was a little girl, my favourite book was Cinderella. I loved her beauty on the inside combined with the transformation made by her beautiful clothes, makeup and shoes which showcased her beauty on the outside. It was a pop-up book, so every time I opened it, Cinderella and her mice, birds and other furry friends would appear, seeming lifelike and making me giggle with excitement every time. So, it only makes sense that I would love pop-up shops (a new trend that offers many benefits), especially when they feature fashion!

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A Country in Bloom

Close your eyes. Imagine the smell of lavender. That is Provence in bloom. Picture tall, majestic sunflowers, gently swaying in the breeze – Van Gogh’s favourite. That is the French countryside in bloom. Envision luminous fields of yellow Canola (or Rapeseed) joining France and Canada in friendship and agriculture. That is Normandy in bloom. Imagine the sweet, juicy taste and smell of a freshly picked apple. That’s the apple orchards blossoming in Champagne-Ardenne. Savour the sweet scent of cherry blossoms, pink and plentiful. That is Paris in bloom. Imagine the proud and graceful fleur-de-lis, a majestic and internationally recognized symbol. That is France in bloom.

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Why Are We Not Talking About This?

There’s something we’re not talking about and it’s time for this to change. More than 50% of women experience this issue at some point in their lives. And, of that percentage, a majority of those women are too embarrassed to open about and talk about what’s going on, leaving their symptoms unaddressed and untreated. So, that’s why I’m here to help you make this conversation a way less uncomfortable one. Because guess what, ladies… you’re not alone in this. I mean we’ve all got one, and if we don’t then we’ve all seen one at some point in time – for god’s sake exists – wake up people.

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Accountability is the Key to Success

With Spring right around the corner, and the promise of warmer weather ahead (fingers crossed), Canadians are starting to ramp up their physical activity. But even with the nicer weather ahead, we could all use some extra motivation and encouragement. The smallest changes can make the biggest difference when it comes to your health. And I think that a lot of people can forget this.

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