There is something so contagious about the summer months and the energy that they bring into my life. I find that I want to be outside more, I want to cook more, and I am all around just a happier person. Food is such an important part of that happiness in my life, and thanks to my friends at Avocados from Mexico, I am sharing three summer recipes that will have the whole family smiling. Because when I think about fresh food, especially as an honorary Latino now that I’m married, nothing comes to mind more than avocados!
Here’s a few fun facts that I didn’t realize when it comes to avocados. Did you know that Mexico is the world’s top avocado producer (over 1,200 growers in the Michoacan region), far outranking the United States and Chile? Delicious, healthy, and most importantly, far more versatile than you might imagine. Avocados from Mexico are the world’s leading producer of avocados.
- 250 million avocados are consumed by Canadians per year.
- 90 per cent of avocados consumed in Canada come from Mexico.
- 55,000 tons of avocados shipped from Mexico to Canada every year.
Earlier this year, you’ll remember that I attended a cooking class with them to learn about this versatility and the health fact behind this superfood. We’ve all heard the avocado in your green smoothie trick, but there is so much more to explore in the kitchen!
A photo posted by Daniel Reyes (@dothedaniel) on
A video posted by Avocados from Mexico – Canada (@avosmexico_canada) on
It really got me thinking about how sometimes it’s easy to stay comfortable with the recipes I cook at home. But these two recipes (with one of my very own to make three) help to really showcase the versatility of a simple avocado!
Feeling hungry? Me too. So let’s take a look at three delicious recipes that I’ll be making all summer long for Julio, family and friends to enjoy delicious food that is also really good for me while I am working to be healthy and happy.

SO. When I sat down to think about a recipe that could showcase the versatility of Avocados from Mexico, I thought why not create a dessert?! Yes. A Dessert. I wanted it to be simple and something that you could even use to get the kids eating healthy this summer.
“Avocados From Mexico reflects that positive, fun, and vibrant feeling that avocado lovers enjoy. Throughout the avocado growing, packing, and distribution process, we stay true to our essence by integrating good foods into good times and good fun with good people. We want the world to know that our avocados are made with that heritage and the utmost attention to detail in mind, from their humble beginnings as seedlings to their maturity as the plump, delicious, creamy fruits you know and love.”
To get the whole story about this superfood and for EVEN MORE recipes ideas, visit