But, Why Would I Stay at an Airport Hotel?

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words “airport hotel”? Usually, I think: boring, corporate, nothing around, noisy, and just plain ew. It always seemed to me like they’re just a popular destination for those who are travelling for business or who are only looking for something convenient while they spend one night in a city. Well, I made a pretty lame assumption, and figured that out quite quickly, when I travelled to Vancouver and stayed at a hotel right by the airport! Spoiler alert, I actually loved it.

Continue reading “But, Why Would I Stay at an Airport Hotel?”

Why I joined the fabulous #ChandonSquad

The summer isn’t over yet friends, and it seems as though (knock on wood!) the beautiful weather has finally decided to arrive here in Toronto. Around the world, Chandon is helping people cheers to the beautiful moments in life. So when I was asked to join the #ChandonSquad alongside some of the most amazing people, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity! What does that mean? Let me tell you.  Continue reading “Why I joined the fabulous #ChandonSquad”

Eating my way through the city by the bay

When it comes to travel, I have my go-to destinations like most of us do. A sense of familiarity that allows me to unwind in some of the most beautiful destinations around the world. But I’ll let you in on a little secret… I love to explore new cities and destinations most of all. There is something incredibly exciting about booking a ticket, landing, and discovering everything for the first time. So when our friends at San Francisco Travel asked me to join them on an international press trip centered around the food culture of San Fran, I knew I couldn’t pass up such an incredible opportunity. Having never been, not only am I excited to try some of the best food on the west coast, but also to see the sights that have made the city by the bay famous!  Continue reading “Eating my way through the city by the bay”