A Weekend Getaway to Palm Springs

One of the things I’ve taken for granted living in LA is exploring the city! I travel so much for work that I always forget to set aside time for myself to recharge, reflect and disconnect from the world. Last month,  I was lucky enough to join my good friend and her girl squad in Palm Springs to celebrate her bachelorette. I say lucky because I could only manage to stay for a night, because I had to fly to New York on business on Sunday.

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Small changes to make a big impact

So it’s August and my head is spinning with everything we have going on. From festival season to expansions around the world, it’s important for me to remember to focus on my family and what we want. As I’m sure you’ve seen, Julio & I are currently on the hunt for a new home in Toronto. While we look at spaces around the city, I also need to make my moving to-do list. And yes, I’m already thinking about wall colours for possible nurseries! Thankfully this year we were introduced to Canadian made Premier paint Collection from Canadian Tire. Alongside the patio furniture we’ve already picked out (click here to read more!), it’s time to plan our next steps in the best way possible.  Continue reading “Small changes to make a big impact”

Out of the Ordinary, Not Out of the Way

Although we travel a lot with the blog, sometimes it’s nice to just hop in the car and take an old fashioned road trip every now and then. With lots of great options around the Toronto area, we decided that we’d visit the diverse and developing area of Kitchener-Waterloo, known as part of Canada’s “technology triangle”. Daniel and I packed up some of our family – his husband and my mother, and headed on our way out of town for a weekend of fun.

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Taleggio Caprese Salad

Happy Summer, friends! Don’t you just love love summer produce? Here in the UK, we miss out on the incredible bounty from Canada (oh Ontario peaches, how I long for you!) but are fortunate enough to have access to Spanish tomatoes. And the Spanish grow some incredible ones. They are such masters of growing tomatoes that they even have a food fight with them every August.

Though I hope you use yours to make this salad instead. 

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