The Gift Your Dog Deserves This Holiday

Years ago when we adopted Canela from Dog Tales Rescue and Sanctuary, I could never have known how much a pet could change my life. When I was growing up, we always had cats and she is my first dog ever. She has quickly become of the best things that has ever happened to me. From consoling me when I lost to my dad, to the memories our little family shared over the years, #CanelaReyes still manages to put a smile on my face every time I think about her during a busy day of all things #DoTheDaniel. So this holiday season I wanted to find the perfect gifts to stuff her stocking (yes, a stocking is hung for her so that Santa brings her presents) and so that I can treat her the way she deserves.  Continue reading “The Gift Your Dog Deserves This Holiday”

Making Sure No One is Left Behind

My parents split up when I was around a year and a half. With my mother being so young and on her own with me, we relied on my grandparents a lot. We didn’t have a lot of money to do things, so I would spend most weekends with either my mother’s or my father’s parents (plus it gave my mom a much-needed break). Many of my childhood memories involve being at one of their houses on the weekends, during holidays and in the summer, and especially on sick days. Although they’re no longer with us, they were an integral part of who I am today. But I wanna talk to you about one of them in particular.

Continue reading “Making Sure No One is Left Behind”

Ce N’est Jamais Trop Tard!

Aujourd’hui, il fait plutôt frais à l’extérieur et sachant que le baromètre va certainement continuer de descendre, je suis tout emmitouflé au bureau. Pour réchauffer mon corps et mes pensées un peu plus, je rêve aux voyages qui me permettraient d’explorer des racoins du monde que je n’ai pas encore visité. Tandis que la plupart des canadiens vont probablement se diriger en voyage vers le sud pour éviter le froid (et oh comme je les comprend!), je pense vouloir aller quelque part de nouveau, d’inédit. Ma vie déborde de changements de nos jours – pourquoi ne pas aussi faire mon premier grand voyage solo? Et pourquoi ne pas choisir une destination que je n’ai jamais encore considérée? D’après moi, c’est toujours le bon temps pour planifier un voyage, et vous savez déjà que nous aimons tellement partir à l’aventure avec Air Canada! Continue reading “Ce N’est Jamais Trop Tard!”

Why You Should Invest in Quality Rest

For all of you that follow Do The Daniel on Instagram, you’ll know that for the past few months I have been really busy with prepping a move, moving and then furnishing my new apartment. I know this is something that almost all new tenants have to deal with but, when you’re moving into somewhere as stunning as Vintage apartments, you know it’ll all be worthwhile. Sure, it might be a tricky thing to get fully sorted but the final result will be so rewarding and you’ll be able to sit in a contemporary, luxurious apartment and appreciate just how far you’ve come. This has been quite the ordeal because I have always been someone who has lived in furnished or partially furnished places for years. It just makes everything easier when you don’t have to worry about sourcing furniture on top of the stresses that already come with moving house. It’s why I dream of living somewhere like these luxury apartments in downtown cleveland, as when I moved into my new apartment, I didn’t own a single piece of furniture. No couch. No dining room table. No dressers. No bed. No mattress. Nothing.

I was literally working with a blank canvas. Continue reading “Why You Should Invest in Quality Rest”