Health & Nutrition | Think Dirty App | My Kind of Dirty Thoughts

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet

Picture this… it’s early, but you need to get up so you glide out of bed.  You walk over to the bathroom, flip on the light, rip back the shower curtain and turn on the shower.  It’s getting hotter and steamier by the second so you slip off your clothes (if you were wearing any to begin with) and step in.  The water cascades down your body, beading in all the right places and you’re feelin’ like it’s time to start lathering yourself up.

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Lifestyle | Rogers Communications & “Generation D”

Sometimes I stop to think about what my life would be like without my cell phone and I shudder in fear. This complex piece of technology helps to keep me organized, in sync with the world around me, entertained, in touch with you my reader and so much more. I couldn’t imagine a day without it.

Rogers Communications recently released their Rogers Innovation Report which speaks to the necessity of the mobile device and future of the App world. To be honest, I didn’t even know what “Generation D” was until I was informed that it meant the “Canadian Device Generation”. We all know them; the youth that are more connected to their phone then they are to the world around them. And whether you love them or hate them, this new generation of tech savvy innovators helps to shed light on where the world of mobile applications is headed in 2014 and beyond. Continue reading “Lifestyle | Rogers Communications & “Generation D””