Events | #DoTheDaniel is heading to The 2015 Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards

The Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards is one of the best events in Ottawa each year. This year will be attending the star studded evening to bring you behind the scenes with some of the biggest names in Canada. We want to invite you in on the experience by giving you all of the details you’ll need join us in celebrating the achievements of Canadians from coast to coast with Canada’s Highest Order. Continue reading “Events | #DoTheDaniel is heading to The 2015 Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards”

Food & Wine | Perrier gets inspired by Street Art

Fighting a nasty flu, balancing content and a busy schedule.. this week is proving to be quite a hectic one for me. I thought to myself it might be a good idea to take a break for a few days but with so many amazing events and charities to support, I simply cannot. One of those events that got me out of bed and excited was the Canadian launch of the new Perrier limited edition packaging inspired by Street Artists from around the world. I personally love Perrier and everything that they do to foster their brand in new and exciting ways. So with a strong dose of dayquil I was off to the launch event with the team! Continue reading “Food & Wine | Perrier gets inspired by Street Art”