Ending Another Chapter

It’s a chilly February morning and I am sitting in another hotel room looking out another window. Lately I have found myself sitting in silence trying to understand the set of circumstances that have led me to be in this place right now. Over the last five years I have been so incredibly lucky to share my life with you all and I couldn’t be more proud of the things I have achieved. That being said, I’ve also made a lot of mistakes and have (as so eloquently put recently) performed a lot of “pageantry” in hopes of keeping up appearances. Life isn’t easy, and trust me when I say it’s not all pretty blog posts and photos on social media.

And so my friends, I am here to tell you that we are coming to the end of the Do The Daniel chapter of my life.

Continue reading “Ending Another Chapter”

Travel & Lifestyle | Expedia.ca tells us about love & travel

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, love is in the air. If you’re like me, you have a passion for travel and a desire to see the world. Expedia.ca asked Canadians in a recent survey, how soon is too soon to take a trip with your new fling and we share some surprising facts about love, travel and when is the right time to take that next step with that special someone in your life. You may just want to go on a trip to Savannah straight away or you may want to wait. It is completely up to you.
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Food & Wine | Coco & Cowe are taking the world by storm with new expansions

I am a firm believer in supporting my colleagues in the industry who hustle and work to build their brand authentically. One of these brands that we love at DoTheDaniel.com is Coco & Cowe, as you would have recently seen on the site. This team of hard working individuals lead by our dear friend Catriona Smart is quickly showing the world that nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it! Continue reading “Food & Wine | Coco & Cowe are taking the world by storm with new expansions”