A travel wishlist from someone who has never been to Ottawa

Michael Palin once said ‘Once the travel bug bits there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life’. Never a truer word has been spoken. I arrived late to this travelling lark – I was well into my late 20’s before I really started travelling and I am now well and truly addicted, getting serious withdrawals if I am in London for more than four weeks uninterrupted.

I am often asked how I found out about some of the places I have been and the experiences that I had, and the answer is from the 101 travel websites and emails that I subscribe to, as well as social media – some of the best kept secrets are in others photos. That is where I get most of my travel envy from which leads to some serious inspiration. Which is why working for Daniel has led me to some serious travel envy in Canada. I have visited Canada briefly – to see Niagara Falls from the Canadian side and that is really it. Which is quite frankly shameful. This has made me very keen to see more of Ontario and in particular Ottawa. Continue reading “A travel wishlist from someone who has never been to Ottawa”

Why Banff holds a special place in my heart

I love being Canadian. I love showcasing the beauty of our country from coast-to-coast, and we have been lucky enough to do that over the years. From Catherine’s visits to beautiful British Columbia, to east coast adventures with Julio in Halifax. One of the first places I ever visited was Banff with Catherine many many years ago. From picturesque Lake Louise to the gondolla ride that made me realize how afraid of heights Catherine was, I still think back fondly on that trip. So when I found out about ILLUMINATIONS: human/nature taking place today, I knew I had to share it with you! Continue reading “Why Banff holds a special place in my heart”

Small changes to make a big impact

So it’s August and my head is spinning with everything we have going on. From festival season to expansions around the world, it’s important for me to remember to focus on my family and what we want. As I’m sure you’ve seen, Julio & I are currently on the hunt for a new home in Toronto. While we look at spaces around the city, I also need to make my moving to-do list. And yes, I’m already thinking about wall colours for possible nurseries! Thankfully this year we were introduced to Canadian made Premier paint Collection from Canadian Tire. Alongside the patio furniture we’ve already picked out (click here to read more!), it’s time to plan our next steps in the best way possible.  Continue reading “Small changes to make a big impact”