Food & Wine | Coco & Cowe are taking the world by storm with new expansions

I am a firm believer in supporting my colleagues in the industry who hustle and work to build their brand authentically. One of these brands that we love at is Coco & Cowe, as you would have recently seen on the site. This team of hard working individuals lead by our dear friend Catriona Smart is quickly showing the world that nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it! Continue reading “Food & Wine | Coco & Cowe are taking the world by storm with new expansions”

An open letter to the blogger.

This is a post that I have been mulling over for quite some time. Although I am what might be considered a “young” blogger, I believe that I have worked my way to the level that I am with dedication and a passion for what I do. Lately, I have felt as though the term blogger and subsequently “influencer” have been changing. Evolving if you will. However, this change is not entirely for the betterment of this industry. Continue reading “An open letter to the blogger.”