Working Title: The Scars We Share

*A note before you read this. It touches on death, addiction, and my first marriage. If these topics make you uncomfortable in any way, I think for now you can just let it pass you by. I have always dreamed of getting a book published, and some of you know that this one has been a labour of love for a few decades. It has changed and evolved with me, and I think it’s time.

A preface traditionally is meant to set the tone and subject of a book. Mine is to show you the style of writing I have used, the tonality of introspection and inner monologue that it carries, and the universality that life is a complicated and beautiful mess sometimes.

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Scarcity Mentality And How To Overcome It

If I was to ask how were you doing right now, what would your answer be? For many of us, the default to answer “I’m good, thanks. And you?” or “I’m fine” without a second thought. But if I asked again, I wonder if your answer would be different. While I can’t speak for anyone else other than myself, I have to be honest that I am struggling a bit. The excitement of life is of course where my focus is these days, because your energy flows where your attention goes. But having lived in a scarcity mentality for so long, I’m having a hard time not stressing out about money and finances these days.

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How To Spot A Hotspot in Toronto

With my move back to Toronto quickly approaching and the excitement surrounding all that, some of the things I am most looking forward to are meals and at the newest hot spot restaurants. But when it comes to Canada’s biggest city, and a food scene that is always evolving and changing, the question remains. How do you navigate which is worth the hype in a world of “Best Of” lists?

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