Daniel’s Dish | #iheartbosk takes dinning to a new level

The premise of the column is simple; work with restaurants of all kinds in this amazing city to explore what they have to offer and what makes them unique. In a city like Toronto, the choices are sometimes daunting and the food reviews and critics can be snotty and too complicated for their own good. So why not keep this easy?

Drinks. Appetizer. Main Course. Dessert. All along with a bit of information about what makes them my choice for Daniel’s Dish and why you should try them right away!

This episode of Daniel’s Dish is a bit different. This one features the #iheartbosk dinner I hosted alongside the incredible bosk restaurant located at the iconic Shangri-La Hotel Toronto. This dinner was something I have been planning for months behind the scenes. Alongside The Shangri-La Hotel Toronto team, we brought together a group of people I hand picked from various fields to best represent their blogs and areas of expertise. Each and every one of them brought something unique to the table and was an asset to an event that none of us will soon forget. Continue reading “Daniel’s Dish | #iheartbosk takes dinning to a new level”

Lifestyle | Tweezerman G.E.A.R. makes men beautiful too

We have all seen it. The difference in between a man who properly grooms himself and the one who does not. More and more, the lifestyle of beauty for men is becoming an acceptable topic of discussion. Men everywhere aren’t afraid of making themselves feel handsome and taken care of anymore like they used to. Recently Julio & I had the chance to visit with Tweezerman Canada to experience their new line tailored specifically to men. See the official FASHIONIGHTS stance on the product line up here! Continue reading “Lifestyle | Tweezerman G.E.A.R. makes men beautiful too”

Food & Wine | The Chicago Restaurant Pastry Competition

If you’re like me, then you can’t get enough of the food craze sweeping the social media and television worlds in the form of competitions. Lucky for us all, The Emmy Award Winning Chicago Restaurant Pastry Competition brings another foodie driven nail biting competition directly to you in their latest web series. Now showing episode three of four (video found below) the finale will stream live on April 21st for us all Internationally! Continue reading “Food & Wine | The Chicago Restaurant Pastry Competition”

Lifestyle | OMFG Real Blueberries? Bloo Juice by Country Magic

Catherine’s Cabinet Review

I have fond childhood memories of my time spent in the East Coast of Canada, wandering the fields along the coast line, picking as many wild berries as I could and then shoving them into my face before being forced to share them with the other kids.  When I opened my first bottle of Bloo Juice, I had all of those same feelings rush back at me, including not wanting to share it with anyone.  So, I guzzled it down faster than you can say “Catherine you better share missy or you’re going for a time out”.  I digress.

Continue reading “Lifestyle | OMFG Real Blueberries? Bloo Juice by Country Magic”