Toronto | If you wouldn’t eat it, why would your dog?

Being that I am a first time dog owner, I can admit that I might not have been as educated as I thought I was about things such as grooming and diet. Owning a dog, especially a rescue, changes your life in ways that are hard to explain. Falling completely in love with an animal from the moment you see them is such a powerful thing. That could be with a dog that currently has physical limits on how far they can move at the moment. Which is why people decide to do research into dog backpack carriers. Websites like Stop That Dog (more information at can give you some insight into how to support your new best friend. That is what my friend mentioned anyway. I quickly came to realize that I wanted Canela (our two year old Sharpei mix – and yes she has her own Instagram account) to live the best life I could provide her.

Looking at the photo above, you might assume that it was taken at a healthy butcher here in Toronto. You wouldn’t be completely wrong in that assumption. Having recently visited All Good Dog Food Co. with Canela, I came to realize that this Toronto based store and their unique passion for healthy dog food is looking to improve the life of my dog just as much as I am. Continue reading “Toronto | If you wouldn’t eat it, why would your dog?”

Travel & Lifestyle | Announcing World of Angus’ newest Brand Ambassador, Canela Reyes!

It should come as no surprise that when we recently added Canela Reyes to our lives, she would soon take the world by storm. One of the ways we are helping to showcase the beauty of rescuing your next pet and the love that they can add to your life is by partnering with World of Angus. As their newest Brand Ambassador, #CanelaReyes is going to show you all the amazing products you need to get for your pet and how they can help to improve your lives! Continue reading “Travel & Lifestyle | Announcing World of Angus’ newest Brand Ambassador, Canela Reyes!”