Lifestyle | Rogers Communications & “Generation D”

Sometimes I stop to think about what my life would be like without my cell phone and I shudder in fear. This complex piece of technology helps to keep me organized, in sync with the world around me, entertained, in touch with you my reader and so much more. I couldn’t imagine a day without it.

Rogers Communications recently released their Rogers Innovation Report which speaks to the necessity of the mobile device and future of the App world. To be honest, I didn’t even know what “Generation D” was until I was informed that it meant the “Canadian Device Generation”. We all know them; the youth that are more connected to their phone then they are to the world around them. And whether you love them or hate them, this new generation of tech savvy innovators helps to shed light on where the world of mobile applications is headed in 2014 and beyond. Continue reading “Lifestyle | Rogers Communications & “Generation D””

Lifestyle | Chi Junky #GetAddicted

The New Year is upon us, and with it, the infamous “New Year’s Resolution.” For the most part, many of us will swear to get to the gym five times a week, or give up junk food for good. But let’s face it, by the time February rolls around the thought of the New Year Resolution has long faded into the background.

Luckily, Chi Junky has got just the right idea by opening The Wellness Concierge & Private Yoga Studio will open to the public and new members of all walks of life. The idea is one that helps even the “worst” of us stay on track when it comes to our health. Continue reading “Lifestyle | Chi Junky #GetAddicted”

Daniel’s Dish | Destingo

The premise of the column is simple; work with restaurants of all kinds in this amazing city to explore what they have to offer and what makes them unique. In a city like Toronto, the choices are sometimes daunting and the food reviews and critics can be snotty and too complicated for their own good. So why not keep this easy?

Drinks. Appetizer. Main Course. Dessert. All along with a bit of information about what makes them our choice for Daniel’s Dish and why you should try them right away!

Destingo, 741 Queen St. West (647)-748-3113

As you can tell, Daniel’s Dish is becoming quite the busy little column for me over the last few months; the feedback has been incredible, the restaurants all unique in their own right and the people I have met, positively exquisite. This Daniel’s Dish will mark the last for 2013. As the Holidays are around the corner, I hope that you all get to enjoy what Destingo brings to the Toronto Restaurant scene.

Relatively new on the Queen West strip, Destingo is nestled into an area which for a long time wasn’t the best place to be in Toronto after dark. Thanks to a lot of love, and beautiful establishments like this one, the Gallery District is rejuvenating and blossoming into a cultural hub and meeting of the minds. Continue reading “Daniel’s Dish | Destingo”