It’s Time To Confess Something

It’s a busy time of year for us at the blog, and chances are if you’re also riding the positive waves of a new year, you’re feeling the same way in your day-to-day. There is so much to smile about these days and so much excitement around our fifth birthday. But I should admit there are some things I am still worrying about. Being thirty-five, in a stressful role, it’s time that I tell you that my hair is starting to thin… and instead of trying to hide it, I am going to face it head on.

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Putting My Best Foot Forward

Had you told me five years ago when I started the blog that I would be sitting down at my office in Toronto, with nine amazing staff around the world, that I would be excited for the month of January I would have probably laughed in your face. Having grown up in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto – I am very well aware of what a Canadian winter can be like. But today I wanted to really focus on all the amazing and positive things I am taking with me into the new year and why I am really doing every in my power to put my best foot forward this winter and all year long.

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