Here’s what to look forward to at Fashion Art Toronto’s 1664 Fashion Week

With the warmer weather and the beginning and month of May comes the energy and excitement of another season of shows with Fashion Art Toronto. Founded in 2005, #FashionArtToronto – or more commonly referred to at FAT – is one of the longest running fashion weeks in the country, and many would say, one of the most important. With my early experiences attending shows and events when I first started blogging, I remember the importance FAT in the fashion community was in its stark contrast to a more commercial and “polished” fashion week. The focus on emerging talent, creativity, individualism, innovation, anti-establishmentarianism, and modernity have always been at the heart of the organization, and this year’s shows and events are set to be some of the largest and most visible to date.

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Fashion Art Toronto Is Coming To You This Year, Because #WEAREALLINTHISTOGETHER

With 2020 almost half way done, it feels as though the new reality we live in is slowly finding its footing. Many of us continue to work from home and practice social distancing based upon the instructions where we live. We have learned to support local, wear Canadian and share beautiful moments with each other via digital platforms.

We continue to use our voices to amplify those that need to be heard and now we are seeing the evolution of major Canadian events taking note and making industry leading changes themselves. So I am excited to tell you all that you can finally live the life of your favourite content creator and join us all during Fashion Art Toronto‘s upcoming Virtual Runway Show Series.

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