Let’s Take a Walk Down Memory Lane

I almost always laugh when I see memes about bloggers and how they take you on a long winded story before they get to the point of the blog post or the recipe they are sharing – you know the ones! While I know that I can be long winded I do hope that if you’re sitting down to read this right now it’s because I bring a certain pizaz to my writing that you enjoy and that resounds with you. Be it your first time on the blog or you’ve been with me since day one nine and a half years ago. Well my friends, today I’m going to embody that stereotype for the purpose of giving you a glance into who I was many moons ago vs who I am today and you’ll understand why we took a walk down memory lane.

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What it Means to Launch a Business During a Pandemic

2020 – the year that reality as we know it changed. As we make our way towards the end of the calendar year, I find myself looking at what – and more specifically who – has inspired me over the past twelve months. My own life has seen many changes as well. I went back to blogging full time and continue to look for a new job where my skills will be best served. I took my health back in to my own hands and became very self-aware. I started paying attention to where I was spending my money and I became much more aware of our choices and their effects on the environment, which leads me to writing this blog post.

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How I’ve Helped My Hair Survive Over The Years

When it comes to personal branding, I’ve always regarded my hair as one of the ways I express myself best. From colour to cut, change in my life has been best expressed via change in my hair style. As I’ve gotten older, this of course has been something I realize hasn’t been easy on my hair health. From colour damage to drying out, I’ve thrown everything at my head and then some. But thankfully I’ve always had a secret weapon in the products I use to repair, restore and revitalize the beast on my head. Today I am finally sharing my secret!

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It’s Time To Confess Something

It’s a busy time of year for us at the blog, and chances are if you’re also riding the positive waves of a new year, you’re feeling the same way in your day-to-day. There is so much to smile about these days and so much excitement around our fifth birthday. But I should admit there are some things I am still worrying about. Being thirty-five, in a stressful role, it’s time that I tell you that my hair is starting to thin… and instead of trying to hide it, I am going to face it head on.

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