Food & Wine | Feliz Cinco de Mayo from Casamigos Tequila

May 5th marks Cinco de Mayo and around the world, people are preparing themselves for celebrations. A day that embodies the pride of Mexico, and particularly the Battle of Puebla being won, it is a day everyone looks forward to. Not many things remind me more of Mexico than Tequila, good food and a good time. This year, we here at (in conjunction with Julio’s birthday which also falls on May 5th!) will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo with Casamigos Tequila. Famously associated with George Clooney, Rande Gerber and Mike Meldman, this incredible tequila is one you simply have to have at your celebrations! Continue reading “Food & Wine | Feliz Cinco de Mayo from Casamigos Tequila”

Events | Sweat for Motionball on April 25th

One of my favourite charities and events to support year after year is motionball. What many people don’t realize is that motionball is so much more than an amazing party that takes place anually. It’s a charity that works tirelessly to support The Special Olympics Canada Foundation. One such event that will be donating 100% of its proceeds is taking place this weekend here in Toronto. On April 25th, Sweat for Motionball will gather together young & old for a day full of fitness geared entertainment. It’s time to break a sweat with me and make a difference on a beautiful Saturday morning. Continue reading “Events | Sweat for Motionball on April 25th”

Health & Nutrition | Jax Coco | Coo-Coo For Coconuts!

Coconut is all the rage these days, have you noticed? If you haven’t jumped on this healthy bandwagon yet, where the heck have you been?? And get on it! (Oh, other than maybe the fact that you’re allergic to coconuts, and for that I’ll forgive you… this time). Well, I just can’t get enough of this super-dooper tropical gem and I’m beyond excited to tell you why!

Continue reading “Health & Nutrition | Jax Coco | Coo-Coo For Coconuts!”

Food & Wine | Celebrating Halloween with Crystal Head Vodka

When I stop to think about Halloween, some of my best memories asides for the trick or treating years are the parties I attend and the fantastic cocktails that I have created and enjoyed with friends. This year I thought to myself, besides the best way to celebrate Halloween in Toronto, that I would partner with one of my favourite vodka brands to help celebrate the season. Crystal Head Vodka is a product that I keep stocked in my home year round for it’s quality and taste, but it is also the perfect base for your Halloween celebrations and cocktails this season. Come & see why when you are shopping for parties you are attending or hosting this year, how Crystal Head Vodka is the perfect choice for you and your friends. Continue reading “Food & Wine | Celebrating Halloween with Crystal Head Vodka”