Food & Wine | Chivas x Bremont Limited Edition Collaboration

With the advent of the Holidays (are you sick of that word yet? We’ve got a LOT more in store for you all!) all I can think about is gifts and great brands. Having worked with both of these iconic names in the past, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to tell you all about The Limited Edition Made for Gentleman collaboration between Chivas & Bremont Watch Company. You’ll remember that I was introduced to Bremont earlier this year and have since fallen in love with their products. When two of my favourite brands decided to collaborate, there was no doubt in my mind that the end result would epitomize chivalry and be something that I would have to add to my life. Come and see why you should join me in celebrating this iconic marriage of style and sophistication. Continue reading “Food & Wine | Chivas x Bremont Limited Edition Collaboration”

Food & Wine | The Glenlivet is taking Scotch to a new level for Canadians

What a week! With events, the holidays, pending Holiday Gift Guides with the #DoTheDaniel girls… it’s hard to find time for myself, let alone to relax. I’m sure that most of you feel the same way as the nights grow darker and the cold settles in for the long haul. The best way to unwind comes with those precious moments we take for ourselves and with those we love. In my opinion, these moments are usually shared over a delicious drink. Lucky for Canadians from Coast to Coast, The Glenlivet has something special planned for us all to add to these special moments. For scotch lovers, The Glenlivet is a name that inspires you to think of quality. I am excited to tell you all, be you scotch aficionados or first time sippers, about some of their latest releases and how to add them to your personal Holiday wishlists or as the perfect host gift. Continue reading “Food & Wine | The Glenlivet is taking Scotch to a new level for Canadians”

Food & Wine | Come & Celebrate Crown Royal’s 75th Anniversary

This year has marked some incredible moments in the food, wine & alcohol world. Be it collaborations for limited edition bottle (see some examples here & here), or major anniversaries to celebrate iconic brands, 2014 has proved to be a year to remember. One such anniversary is the 75th birthday of the classically Canadian Crown Royal. Come & see how they have decided to celebrate with their 75th Anniversary Limited Edition Blend and why if you haven’t sipped it yet, you should plan on it soon. After all, we all know how much we love to acquire and enjoy limited edition products! Continue reading “Food & Wine | Come & Celebrate Crown Royal’s 75th Anniversary”