“Are You Carving Out Time For Your Health & Mind?”

That’s a question that was posed to me recently by a dear friend during a discussion we were having while catching up. And to be honest, one that I struggled to answer. The funny thing about happiness, or mental health, or spiritual fulfillment, or heck.. even love, is that it’s not a destination to reach and then yours to wear like a badge. It takes work, every single day.

I picture my life like a beautiful wall of cogs of various sizes, all moving in harmonious balance with one another. Except, if I don’t give them all the attention and care they need, one might get a little rusted. As that one slows down or stops, they are all affected. Every action causing a reaction in my life. And lately I’ve been feeling a little rusty I guess.

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What Does It Mean To Respect Your Universe?

a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
“the director had a lot of respect for Douglas as an actor”
synonyms: esteem, regard, high opinion, admiration, reverence, deference, honor
“the respect due to a great artist”
a particular aspect, point, or detail.
“the government’s record in this respect is a mixed one”
synonyms: aspect, regard, facet, feature, way, sense, particular, point, detail
“the report was accurate in every respect”
So, do YOU respect yourself?

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Something To Think About

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Lately I am coming to appreciate the simple things in life. Cuddling on the couch with my husband on a Sunday afternoon, in a pair of sweats, ordering a pizza and watching anime would be my version of heaven. While the world of social media can be deceptively driven by FOMO and Facetune, I am so proud of the fact that Catherine and I work tirelessly to encourage our staff to be real. Real isn’t always pretty, but it feels like we are reaching more and more people these days who turn to us because we aren’t the “standard” of picture perfect. When we are being authentic and transparent, it affords those who follow you the opportunity to do the same, and then we all feel a little less alone.  Continue reading “Something To Think About”

On The Spice Route To Recovery

I recently read a quote that said, “Having anxiety is like when the video game combat music is playing but you can’t find any enemies.” I’m going to add that having depression is like sitting in a dark room and telling yourself that you don’t deserve to turn on the lights. That there aren’t even ones to turn on anyway. I knew that there were people out there who did what they could to combat their anxiety/depression issues but it had never occurred to me to do something for myself back then. I didn’t know about Finest Labs Terpenes, St John Wart, medical marijuana, and so many other treatments for people who needed that support.

Continue reading “On The Spice Route To Recovery”