Who said romance is dead?

While I may be currently living my Miley Cyrus “Flowers” era of love, I am also the biggest fan of romance and can’t stand when I hear people say that it is dead. I don’t think it is dead, I just think that the world is loud and people are tired, and that sometimes it just needs a little encouragement. In hopes of showing those of you who need a reminder what romance can look like, let me tell you about an experience that would have me swooning if a boy took me to enjoy with him.

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Consider this your sign that you should book that trip to Barbados

As I sit in the house, looking out the window at the snow gently falling, I am reminded that the winter in Canada is absolutely beautiful. That being said, I also can feel my patience towards waiting for the smallest of glimpses of the sun to appear briefly wearing thin.

That’s why I am beyond excited to be leaving for Barbados for the first time ever and how excited I am to take you along with me via social media.

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Taking a hard look in the mirror

Am I the only one who feels like today is the 332nd day of January? Sitting down in the kitchen at Mama Sue’s house and in a not so great place emotionally, I thought I would take stock of myself and where things stand for me. No, this is not going to center entirely around my upcoming divorce, but it is important that I start to be strong enough to name it among the things I’ll be living this year.

Something tells me that I can’t be the only one who is struggling right now.

So, let’s get into it.

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Stop everything. There’s a new Nintendo coming.

While I love a busy schedule and jet setting around the country and the world to create fabulous content, I am actually quite the homebody when I get the opportunity to be so. While I don’t currently have a space to call all my own, once I do later this year, I know that one of the reasons I’ll stay home for some down time will be because of my new Nintendo Switch 2.

Yes, that’s right babes. In case you didn’t hear yet, there’s a new Nintendo system coming in 2025 and I want to tell you all about it.

Continue reading “Stop everything. There’s a new Nintendo coming.”