Lifestyle | My Flu Fashion Faux Pas & why getting your flu shot is SO important!

As someone who has recently battled a nasty case of the flu for over a week, I think it’s time to face the ugly truth. No one likes to be sick and looking like a hot mess. It’s time to realize the truth about the Flu Shot and why you should get one today if you haven’t already this year. It’s quick, convenient and will help you to avoid your own Flu Fashion Faux Pas’. Continue reading “Lifestyle | My Flu Fashion Faux Pas & why getting your flu shot is SO important!”

Food & Wine | Mealspirations makes life easy in Ontario

I know I can’t be the only one to wish that there were more hours in a day and more days in a week. Some days, coming home to a fridge and staring into it can be very daunting. I wonder what I am supposed to cook for Julio & I that isn’t the same thing I have cooked a hundred times. No time, no energy and no motivation are the worst enemy for people like me who truly enjoy being in the kitchen.

Luckily for us, Mealspirations has just launched in Ontario, and I have no doubt for the rest of the country shortly thereafter. The How-To is quite simple really: No time? No worries. Simply sign up online and chose your dietary choices and preferences. Every week, your Mealspirations box is delivered to your door for the week ahead. The best part of it all, is the recipes are delivered with it all for your convenience. Continue reading “Food & Wine | Mealspirations makes life easy in Ontario”

Contest | 12 Days of Wine Country Ontario

You all know by now what a fan of Canadian wine I am and that if possible, I always recommend it to my guests and readers. This year, Wine Country Ontario has picked me as one of their Top Ontario Wine Lovers to participate in their 12 Days of Wine Country Ontario. What is that you ask? Well, I was given the task of picking a gift that would highlight some of Ontario’s best wines and wineries. A tough task to say the least with such a long list to choose from. But after much thought, here is my ideal gift for the Holidays to help showcase what Ontario wines are all about. Continue reading “Contest | 12 Days of Wine Country Ontario”