Events | #DoTheDaniel is heading to The 2015 Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards

The Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards is one of the best events in Ottawa each year. This year will be attending the star studded evening to bring you behind the scenes with some of the biggest names in Canada. We want to invite you in on the experience by giving you all of the details you’ll need join us in celebrating the achievements of Canadians from coast to coast with Canada’s Highest Order. Continue reading “Events | #DoTheDaniel is heading to The 2015 Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards”

Health & Nutrition | Saje Natural Wellness | Interview with Jean-Pierre Leblanc

If you haven’t heard of Saje Natural Wellness by now, where the heck have you been?  Drop everything right now and just go.  This 100% natural healing company has been busy taking Canada by storm.  Just recently, they opened their newest store located in the heart of Ottawa at the infamous Rideau Centre.  Well, I was there to celebrate yet another victory for one of my favourite stores and to chat with one of the co-founders, Jean-Pierre Leblanc.

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Events | 613 Night Market | Ottawa’s Hippest Bazaar

When I moved back to Ottawa a couple of months ago, I wasn’t exactly sure what was in store for me.  I had been getting used to the constant whirlwind that is Toronto for the last 3 years.  And before that, I was travelling and living all over the world.  So, I have to admit that I was worried when I first arrived here.  I kept thinking, “ohhh no, I’m back in that sleepy old government town”.

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Events | Nordstrom Rideau Centre Opening Gala

I have a confession to make. My name is Catherine and I love department stores. I really do. They hold a sense of adventure for me, full of amazement and mystery all wrapped up into one building. I once lived in the magical land of department stores I like to call London, England. But that’s not where my love affair began. Oh no, my friends. It all began growing up here in Ottawa when I was but a wee Nutritionist. Okay, I wasn’t a Nutritionist back then, but I’m trying to tell you a story here so bear with me.

Continue reading “Events | Nordstrom Rideau Centre Opening Gala”