Here’s what it means being queer in 2024

For those of you who may have missed it, in my final segment of my first full season as a Cityline expert, I switched up my role as lifestyle expert to talk openly about 2SLGBTQIA+ relationships can be like based on my experiences. It really got me thinking as the slow ramp up to Pride month in June about where I want to be investing my time, my money and my attention after a challenging Pride in 2023. That’s why yet again I am proud to share about the 2024 Levi’s Pride Collection and how it continues to be an actual ally for the queer community.

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The 2023 Levis Pride Collection

I guess the best way to start off this blog post is to define the term allyship and it’s importance to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Why? Because amid a very busy Pride month I have born witness to a lot of performative allyship / marketing, extreme levels of hate towards our community, and have even had brand partners ask me to “tone it down” to avoid controversary. And this year I even received death threats in the comments section on multiple social media posts.

In 2023.

So yeah, I think it’s important that we talk about this a little more.

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3 artists that should be on your radar this Pride Month

I reached a few big milestones in my career this year and have been so proud of all my hard work to get here, and of course have shared my gratitude for the people who helped along the way. It’s one of the reasons why I started The Hand That Helped. It’s also why I continue to believe that offering creators, performers, and artists just starting in their career my platform is so important, because that would have meant the world to me when I first started.

So as we go into a busy Pride month, I thought I would celebrate Pride Month with the Queer artists making waves in the First Up with RBCxMusic program.

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Let’s Kick Off Pride Month With Something Huge!

*Please note that this is a sponsored post with – my disclosure can always be found by clicking here

We all know that I am a proud member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and that I aim to create content that not only helps my community to be seen and accepted. In a world that can sometimes be a lot for those of you reading, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that there’s an extra layer for those of us who are watching laws be passed and our existence be banned.

I am not here to preach ideology, but I always want to share safe destinations, experiences and memories because my fellow community deserves the joy that travel brings into our lives just as much as everyone else.

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