You Heard It Here First – There’s TWO new Siempre Products Coming To Canada

Yes, you read that correctly. My favourite tequila is launching two new products into the Canadian markets and I’m here to break the story in a full circle moment since being the first media outlet to write about their launch in 2015.

Over the last eight years I’ve watched as the team being the scenes worked to establish an empire that continues to grow and thrive – and on their own terms. As someone that identifies with that narrative, it only made sense that I got the first scoop.

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With Love, Siempre xo

I remember first meeting Alex Lacroix at a now defunct Mexican restaurant in the distillery district of Toronto for a media event introducing a new tequila to me in 2015-ish. This was before I had ever really explored Mexico – not the beaches and resorts we all love, but Mexico City, Oaxaca and the interior that truly define the soul of a country I could see myself calling home. Where I truly learned about the artistry behind Mezcal and Tequila, which one day years later would become my favourite of all. And at the top of that list, Siempre Tequila would find its way into my heart and never leave.

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